Welcome to KSU Beef
Our mission is to provide clientele with timely, accurate, objective, research-based information effectively communicated to enable sound decision making for the betterment of cattle enterprises, and the sustainability of food and fiber production demands of a growing global population.
Upcoming Events
Applied Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle
Sept. 4-5 – Athens, GA
25th Annual Stocker Field Day
Sept. 26 – K-State Stocker Unit, Manhattan
5 State Beef Conference
Oct. 1 - Coldwater, Kansas
K-State vet shares tips for managing cattle heat stress
Managing heat conditions is important for cattle comfort and efficiency
Not only do hot summer days make people uncomfortable outdoors, it can also impact livestock.
K-State Research and Extension beef veterinarian A.J. Tarpoff said temperature, humidity, wind speed and solar radiation all affect cattle. Not only do producers need to watch daytime temperatures, Tarpoff said nighttime temperatures are just as important in preventing heat stress.
“They really need about six hours of nighttime cooling to dissipate the heat load they accumulated during the day,” Tarpoff said.
A forecasting tool Tarpoff recommends is the Kansas Mesonet. Read more >>>
Sustainable Grazing Practices
Anaplasmosis webinar recording, Gregg Hanzlicek, DVM
Use of KSU’s Beef Replacement Decision Aide in Assessing Herd Expansion and Contraction, Glynn Tonsor, K-State Department of Agricultural Economics