Beef Cattle Research Center (BCRC)



BCRC DroneIt was during the early 1900's that facilities were built some 300 yards north of the campus that would serve to conduct experiments in beef cattle nutrition. Numerous members of the department used the facilities to conduct reserach in a number of areas such as energy requirements, vitamin needs, protein levels, mineral utilization, management techniques and other concerns associated with beef production.

In 1965, a tornado ripped through the north part of the University destroying pens, sheds and barns at the center. After viewing the damage, Dr. Don Good, Head of the Department, made the decision to move the unit to its present site, just north of Marlatt Avenue and east of College Avenue. Facilities are available to do research from individual animals to groups as large as 50.

The Bull and Heifer Development Center is primarily a dry lot condition and is located adjacent to the existing Beef Cattle Research Center. This location includes covered feed bunks and an automated individual animal feed and water intake monitoring system situated in a dry lot condition. The facility includes animal holding pens and a processing area. The Insentec technology enables collection of individual feed and water intake records on all classes of cattle — cows, calves and yearlings —which adds to the unit’s capabilities of genetic selection and research. All bulls and heifers go through the test allowing the Purebred Beef Unit to make better breeding decisions in the areas of genetic improvement, nutrition and management of beef cattle for a range of economically important traits and serve as a demonstration facility highlighting the best management practices in beef production.

Dr. Jim Drouillard is the coordinator for research conducted at the center. Tours of the facility can be arranged by contacting the Department.

Beef Cattle Research Center Objectives

RESEARCH: Timely completion of high quality research that is responsive to needs of the industry, and that is designed to identify improved management practices that will lead to efficient production of safe, high quality beef products.

EDUCATION: To provide valuable educational experiences and hands-on technical training for undergraduate and graduate students that wish to pursue careers in beef production and allied industries.


Beef Cattle Research Center
3115 College Avenue
Manhattan, KS 66506

Contact Information

William Hollenbeck
Farm Manager 

Dr. Dale Blasi
Professor/Extension Specialist
229 Weber Hall
Manhattan KS 66506

Zachary Duncan
Post-Doc Fellow