Selection of energy sources

The decision of selecting an energy source for swine diets must consider nutritional, economic, and logistic determinants, including: digestibility of energy and nutrients, variability in nutrient concentration, ability to consistently source a high-quality ingredient, availability of bin space in the feed mill, grinding capabilities, handling characteristics, cost, and production goals. Table 1 presents the typical use of energy sources in swine diets considering some limiting factors.

Relative feeding value is often used to compare the value of a particular feed ingredient to the value of a standard energy source, typically corn. The relative feeding value considers the energy content and nutrient levels to evaluate the energy source.

Inclusion rates and limitations of energy sources

Fact Sheets:

Energy Sources for Swine Diets: Cereal Grains and Co-Products

Energy sources for swine diets cereals

Energy Sources for Swine Diets: Fats and Oils

Energy sources for swine diets fats