Feed & Water
Burning || By-Products || Drought || Forage Facts Notebook ||
Forages & Pastures || Hay and Harvested Forage || Livestock Water Systems ||
Air Quality Concerns of Prescribed Range Burning in Kansas
Fire Management Practices to Improve Air Quality
Great Plains Fire Science Exchange
Kansas Flint Hills Smoke Management
Management Following Wildfire
Patch Burn Grazing
Prescribed Burning — Planning and Conducting
Prescribed Burning as a Management Practice
Prescribed Burning Equipment
Prescribed Burning Safety
Red Flag Warning and Fire Weather Information
Smoke Model Tool
How To Control Sericea Lespedeza with Late Season Burns
Composition and Feeding Value of Cottonseed Feed Products for Beef Cattle
Corn Gluten Feed: Composition and Feeding Value for Beef and Dairy Cattle
Soybean Hull-Composition and Feeding Value for Beef and Dairy Cattle
University of Missouri By-Product Price List
Wheat Middlings Composition, Feeding Value, and Storage Guidelines
- Feeding and Managing Early Weaned Calves, Justin Waggoner, K-State Beef Systems
Specialist - Strategies for Feeding Cows with Limited Forages, Jason Warner, K-State Extension
Cow-Calf Specialist - Use of KSU’s Beef Replacement Decision Aide in Assessing Herd Expansion and Contraction, Glynn Tonsor, K-State Department of Agricultural Economics
- Using Basis and Margin Tools for Making Real World Ranch Management Decisions During Drought, Brett Crosby, Custom Ag Solutions
- Decision Making For Grass Turnout in Western Kansas Webinar
Handouts to reference during "Decision Making For Grass Turnout in Western Kansas" Webinar:
Cawker City Precipitation Example
Scott City Precipitation Example
Spring Turn Out Flow Chart - Dealing With Drought Webinar to Assist Cow-Calf Producers with Decision Making
- Feeding Cattle During Drought
- Drought management for cattle producers - Cherryvale meeting September 24, 2022
- Beef Cow-Calf Management Options When Pasture is Limited
- Drought and stocking adjustments on range and pasture
- Drought and Grass : How much forage will we have this year?
Alternative Feeding for Cows
Water Quality/Water Sources
- Drought and water concerns for cattle producers
- Drought options for watering livestock and adding water sites to farm ponds
Ag Stress
- Kansas Ag Stress website
- KSRE Stress Management Website - includes resources and training offerings
- North Central Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Center website
- Farm Stress: You Are Not Alone Video
Agmanager.info – This list highlights a few key resources of the many available
- Hay Inventory Calculator
- Livestock Forage Disaster Program:
- Livestock Insurance Papers and Information
- Livestock Budgets
- Livestock and Meat Marketing Charts
- Weather-Related Sales of Livestock
K-State Forage Facts Notebook
The Kansas livestock industry depends on land across the state to feed a variety of grazing livestock including beef cattle, dairy cattle, sheep, goats, and horses. Pastures, alfalfa, silage, and cereal grains are just some of the forage utilized in Kansas. Below is the full publication of the Forage Facts Notebook and then individual publications in the notebook.
- Smooth Brome
- Tall Fescue
- Eastern Gamagrass
- Bermudagrass
- Old World Bluestem
- Legumes for Pasture
- Irrigated Pasture
- Matua Grass
- Grazing Wheat Pasture
- Small Grain Cereals as Forage: Crop Selection
- Brassicas and Chicory for Forage
- Utilizing Crabgrass as a Forage
- Stockpiling Tall Fescue for Winter Use
- Interseeding Winter Cereal Crops in Bermudagrass
- Forage Sorghum Silage
- Grazing Corn Residue
- Economics of Sealing Horizontal Silos
- Improving Silage Quality
- Establishing Alfalfa into Cool-Season Grass Pastures
- Native Hay Meadow Management
- Ammonia treatment of Low Quality Forages
- Fertilizing Grasses
- Rangeland Brush and Weed Control
- Nontraditional Forages as Emergency or Supplemental Feedstuffs
- Summer Annual Forages: Selection and Production Characteristics
- Summer Annual Forages: Utilization
- Methods of Leasing Crop Residue for Grazing
- Estimating Crop Residue Available for Grazing
- Small Grain Cereals for Silage and Hay
- Pasture Renovation Practices for Eastern Kansas
- Sunflower Silage
- Blister Beetles
- Nutritional Requirements for Beef Cows
- Foamy Pasture Bloat
- How to Assemble and Evaluate a Forage Grazing System
- Sericea Lespedeza
- Relative Feed Value Measure Forage Quality
- Cattle Grazing and Soil Compaction
- Soil Type and Forage Production
- Musk Thistle Control
- Forage Sampling and Analysis
- Grazing and Haying Conservation Reserve Program Land
- Storing Large Round Bales Outside
- Small Grain Cereals for Forage
- Grazing Distribution
- Tall Fescue Production and Utilization
- Wheat Pasture in Kansas
- Stocking Rate and Grazing Management
- Smooth Brome Production and Utilization
- Rangeland Brush Management
- Rangeland Weed Management
- Prescribed Burning: A Management Tool
- Prescribed Burning: Planning and Conducting
- Kansas Crop Planting Guide
Forages & Pastures
Dual Purpose Wheat: Improving Grazing Management Using a Smartphone App
Establishing Native Grasses
Estimating the Costs of Managed Haying or Grazing of CRP
Grazing Distribution
Grazing Management : Toxic Plants
Kansas Crop Planting Guide
Kansas Mesonet (weather stations reports)
Kansas Switchgrass Production Handbook
Kansas Wildflowers & Grasses
K-State Department of Agronomy - Range and Forage
Maintaining Grass Waterways
Managing Kansas Grazinglands for Multiple Benefits
Midwest Cover Crops Council – Cover Crop Decision Tool
National Drought Mitigation Center
Nitrate Toxicity
Nontraditional Forages as Emergency or Supplemental Feedstuffs
Nutrition Evaluation of Grazed Kansas Corn and Sorghum Crop Residues
Prussic Acid Poisoning
Range Grasses of Kansas
Rangeland Brush Management
Rangeland Weed Management
Sericea Lespedeza: History, Characteristics, and Identification
Small Grain Cereals for Forage
Stocking Rate and Grazing Management
Summer Annual Forages: Selection and Production Characteristics
Summer Grazing Strategies for Stocker Cattle in the Kansas Flint Hills
Triticale in Kansas
Weedy Bromes-Recognizing Them at an Early Stage
Hay and Harvested Forage
Amoniation video
Control and Prevention of Hay Fires
Determining Forage Moisture Concentration
Forage Sampling Procedures and Equipment
Large Round Bale Hay Storage
Large Round Bale Safety
Management Tips for Round Hay Bales: System Selection, Harvesting, Moving and Storing
Native Hay Meadow Management
Livestock Water Systems
Estimating Water Requirements for Mature Beef Cows
How Water Quality and Source Affect Animal Performance - 2005
Waterers and Watering Systems: A Handbook for Livestock Producers and Landowners - 2024
Beef Cow Nutrition Guide
Body Condition Scorecard for Cattle
Body Condition Record Book
Creep Feeding Calculator
Guide to Body Condition Scoring of Beef Cows and Bulls
How Feeding-Site Mud and Temperature Affect Animal Performance - 2005
Management of Cows by Body Condition
Nutritional Composition of Feedstuffs for Beef Cattle
Questions and Answers on Beef Cattle Nutrition
Stocker Cattle Management and Nutrition
Winter Feeding Sites and Calf Scours - 2006
Ask the Experts
Contact information for KSU Beef extension team
K-State Newsletters
KSU ASI Facilities
Quick Links
- AgManager
- Beef Genetics Team Website
- Extension Agronomy
- KSU Weather Data Library
- KSU Ag Engineering
- K-Care — Watershed Specialist
- Kansas Youth Livestock
- Beef Cattle Institute
- K-State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory
- Management Minder
- Estrus Synchronization Planner
- Wildlife Management